Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jumps of love

Took a little trip around town to hug my family yesterday. Not that I'm gonna be gone for long, just that I realized I haven't seen them in a while and now it will be even longer. Found my two youngest nieces overly energized with millions of stories to tell me and in their attempts to get my attention they started jumping higher and higher, waving their arms and increasing the decibel level. I found myself stuck on the floor trying to grasp just a little of whatever was told but mainly just feeling a precious sense of being loved and longed for.
Left the house with an image stuck in my head of those girls parents joining in the jumping just for the fun of it and still haven't been able to shake that picture out of my head.

Love. I wonder if it is not most of the time easiest to explain just by a lot of jumping up and down.
I do know for sure though, that no matter what, love is easiest understood through the unconditional expressions of a child taking your place in their world totally for granted. Like you would exist for no other reason then to fulfill that child. And realizing that you don't mind if that is all you ever do. Ever.

I don't know why I know these things. But I do. :)

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