Monday, April 14, 2008

That ******* Jesus

When I was at the gym the other day (oh, how I love that I can start a sentence like that... I go to the gym... Like a lot) I ended up in a funny conversation with one of the PTs. We started talking about job and education and she told me she was a certified personal life coach and medium. Hm... that's and interesting combination. She wants to guide people in life through wisdom and a little help from the spirits on the other side. She asked me my education and when I told her it was theology her face looked both bewildered and curious. She said she wasn't a Christian herself but that she of course knew Jesus. And then there was some new glow in her eyes and she suddenly said;
"He's so fucking loving! I love him. He's like the person I wanna hang with the most. That Jesus. So fucking cool"
Couldn't help but smile. I cant remember when anyone talked about my savior in such passionate way. Or in such bad language... The thing that struck me was that she talked about him like she really knew him. Like really, really knew him. Like they spend a lot of time together. Actually, she sounded more close to him than people would say me to be in talking about him. And, I don't know... It just struck a chord in me. She says she's not a Christian, yet she seems to have this very personal relationship with Christ. I guess the whole medium thing kind of has something to do with it in some unexplainable way but... Two questions: How come she loves Jesus but doesn't seem interested in Christianity, what experiences with church did she have that made her turn to new age instead and how can I help? And, secondly, how do I speak about my Jesus? About that brilliantly, loving revolutionary? About my best friend, my savior? My Jesus, That f**** Jesus...

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