Monday, August 18, 2008

Dreaming away

Survived the first day of new class. I soooo easily go into over gear when I have a new group of people in front of me. Like it would work better if I'm a real geek and they can all have the one thing together that they all feel uncomfortable watching me. Think I did ok this time though. Hope so.

Getting back to normal routines again makes me wanna start up the acting stuff again. We have this great little non formed group of people who does not desire to be on stage in front of people particularly but who really enjoys the impro part of acting. So we get together every now and then either for some impro tournaments that is more about making each other laugh or some really serious impro dramas. Those are the weirdest. Someone writes a story, tells everyone parts of it, like the obvious things known to everyone. Like "These two are married" or "Jack and Tom are brothers and run a company together" and then everyone gets a paper with all the info only their character knows. Like... "Jack hates the company and has a crush on Tom's wife". And then the drama starts and everyone tries to keep their little secrets and get what they want. Veeery destructive and chaotic and lots and lots of fun.

In my longing to start the whole thing up again after the summer I read through our last impro. Here is the little mind map I did for that one. So much fun. I miss acting sometimes. But actually. the little bits I do now totally fulfills my drama needs, I think. And when work gets a little boring, dreaming away to new little intrigues is so much fun.

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