Tuesday, December 9, 2008

so much for kindness


So. I just published the blog on kindness. And I got that little Internet thingy back. And I had a great day at the office. We were even singing Jesussongs and being all silly. And what happens? I go back to my office, from our lunch room, literally to write a Facebook update stating my over all happiness, just to realize there is no computer there to write on. After a second look I realized there is also no wallet in my office. And no iPod. This is when I call the police and the entire office gets involved in the thief-hunt-code-changing-card-cancelling-insurance company-calling-business. And then, after a while when everything cooled down, I also realize that the offices camera is gone. And. Worst of all. Actually. Probably worst of all times. My back up hard drive is gone. My everything-I-have-written-since-I-was-fourteen-device is missing. It's gone. All gone. This is where I start laughing. I laughed for twenty minutes. I even called Arvid to come pick me up cause I didn't trust myself to get home safely. I laughed my blood pressure down to a new record low, almost passing out from all the laugh coming out of me. It was just too much.

A couple of hours later, while it all slowly got to me, I also realized that my old phone was gone. The one that I still hadn't emptied from all the text messages, number, notes, pictures... So. There is actually no track record of my social life for the past couple of years at all. Maybe that is a relief to some people... But I'm a sentimental kind of person. I wanted those little short love stories, written by people I care for more than life. Or just by people I thought were interesting for a day or two...

So. Anyways. Life kind of starts over. And after reality actually hit me and I got the fact that all those things and memories are gone, I kind of got a feeling of being violated. What if someone decided to read through stuff? Look at the pics? Well... hopefully they just erased it all but what if? It's just....

I'd gladly give that stuff away. The stuff in itself is nothing. But those poems I wrote in high school. All the organization plans for the festival. The articles. My journals. The photo shoots.

So. Yay. Here's to kind people. And to the people who now own an iPod they stole with the inscription; "Are you believing, loving, living?" on the back... Yay to them.

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